The CEO of Your Family
We’d like to speak with the person who buys all the veggies, all the clothes (men’s clothes too) and literally 90% of everything for the households they lead. With the unseen, unexpected challenges of parenting, this invisible workload is exhausting. According to the Harvard Business Review, women are responsible for making the household decision in the purchases of:
- 94% of home furnishings
- 92% of vacations
- 91% of homes
- 60% of automobiles
- 51% of consumer electronics
That’s right, we’re talking to you, Mom
Family purchasing trends reveal what we already know: it’s mothers who make the vast majority of decisions about the diet and health of the household. Don’t get us wrong: there are plenty of great dads who make these kinds of decisions, and while they’re amazing, they account for less than 10% of purchasers. By planning meals, scheduling doctor visits and staying on top of replacing the smoke detector batteries, moms run the health show at home.
The amount of work that goes into the logistics, emotions, life lessons and sheer physical labor of mothering is remarkable. Leadership may be tough, but it's worth it.
Screens Screens Screens Blah Blah Blah
It’s obvious that most Americans spend time in front of screens. Adults spend a lot of time on screens when we add up personal and professional time looking at our phones, watches, tablets, TVs, monitors, and laptops. And while many grandparents do not know how to navigate their smartphone, American retirees report that they watch a lot of TV. In fact, the data suggest that the older you are, the more time you spend watching TV. We’re spending too much time in front of screens, and we all know it.
Do Your Kids Experience Eye Strain? (Yes)
If your kids are complaining about headaches or blurry vision, it might be due to eye strain from too much time looking at a screen. To be clear about eye strain, the National Institute of Health lists eye strain symptoms as headaches, dry eyes, pain in the neck or shoulders and blurred vision. A smart move is to have their eyes checked and tested for issues with eyesight, such as acuity and functional eye movement. With vision issues ruled out, it’s possible your child is feeling the effects of eye strain from uninterrupted time looking closely at screens. In addition to feeling uncomfortable, digital eye strain can affect a person’s ability to learn.
Executive Decisions: Two Fortnights Without Fortnite?
For kids suffering with dry eye symptoms, studies have shown that 7-12 year olds who went 4 weeks without their smartphone showed significant improvement. Four weeks without their smartphone, you say? Inconceivable. This kind of decision may create a lot of pressure in your home, and yet, some people swear by it. If this is not an inspired decision that you want to make, there are other ways for a CEO of the Home to support her family’s eye health.
Simply put, DHA Omega-3s is easy on the eyes
Researchers tell us that as we develop in the womb, we already have ‘very high levels of DHA present in the retina.’ The retina is the part of the eye responsible for seeing under different lighting conditions. On top of its many cellular and systemic benefits, daily DHA Omega-3s also supports normal retinal function.
More Omega-3s in Your Family’s Daily Life
Mom, you are probably a triple-screener. It’s entirely ok. You need three screens just to manage your household. Omega-3s support the healthy development and function of every cell, tissue and organ in the human body, including the eyes. That’s a big part of why you take Omega-3s. Provide an ample supply of DHA Omega-3s to your kids’ eyeballs to supplement their daily diets and routines. There’s a lot of triple screening happening these days.